Kamis, 18 Maret 2021


name: silfaratih


no. : 29

My name is Silfaratih, today I teach my mama and my cousin to make klepon with easy material on the can and of course simple.

 The klepon is a traditional Indonesian food or traditional Indonesian cake that belongs to the market chain. The good food is made of glutinous rice flour, which is shaped like small balls and is filled with brown sugar and boiled in boiling water.

 The klepon cake has a distinct sensation when it's enjoyed. The brown sugar which had been stuffing the cake as if it had exploded in the mouth at the first bite. Afterward, a chewy sweetness and dough keep the mouth on chewing and will not stop enjoying it.

 A pound can be a delicious, nutritious snack. These too can be friends for family leisure time, especially when they are spent with a cup of coffee or hot tea.

 Finally my cousin and my mom liked to make easy, more practical klepon.



Name: Silfaratih

Grade: MIPA7'18

No: 29


How to make klepon

1. Add rice flour and prepared salt

2. Mix the batter and give it a little warm water until the batter is malleable

3. Pour enough food coloring as you see fit

4. Take the batter at least 30 gr and then round it and rub it. Then fill it with brown sugar and go back to the circle.

5. Put the batter in a pan of boiling water

6. Wait for the klepon to float and lift it

7. Move the valve on the prepared container and sprinkle it with the steamed scar coconut

8. Kelpon's ready to eat


Rabu, 18 November 2020




Week 1 "Photo with astronaut"




"A person's  suggest is directly propostional to his willingness to learn. Get up and try!"

With SDGs number 4 we must ensure inclusive and equal quality education and support lifelong learning opportunities for all to obtain relevant and effective outcomes. so education must be of high quality in order to guarantee sustainable development. 

Week 2 "Photo with helmet"

My motto:

"Good health is not something we can buy. However, something that can be a very valuable savings ".

Week 3 "about SOS4LOVE Project"

Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2020


 Link Youtube Group 6 MIPA7'18 ⬇️⬇️

Group 6:
1. Arvin Rayhan S. S. (05)
2. Beryl Daffa S. (09)
3. Narendra Surya A. (20)
4. Safilda Amalia E. S. (25)
5. Silfaratih (28)

Jumat, 08 Mei 2020


Crow's omission 

One sunny morning, a dog sniffed with a keen sense of smell throughout the rain with the aim of finding something to eat. Then he saw a crow perched on a tree branch in front of him.

The crow is not the first crow seen by the dog. The dog's main concern and turning his head was the crow holding a little cheese in its beak. "No need to search further." thought the dog. "Here I can get my breakfast." the dog then approaches the tree where the crow is perched. Looking up with a look of awe. Then shouted "good morning beautiful creature" crows while tilting his head to the side. Be suspicious of the dog. While still closing the beak meeting and not returning greetings from the dog.

"What a wonderful creature!" said the dog. "How the feathers shine! What a beautiful and amazing wings! This beautiful bird should have a very sweet voice. Because everything about him is perfect. If he could sing one song, I would adore him from all the birds." Hearing all the words of praise, the crow forgot his suspicions and the cheese he held in his beak. He really wants to be called a queen of all birds. Then he opened his beak wide to let out the loudest chirp. And at that moment the cheese fell from its beak straight into the dog's open mouth. "thank you." said the dog sweetly as he walked away leaving the crow. "Although hoarse, you must have a voice. But where is your brain?"

Anyone who likes to hear false praise is not wise. Because it will not bring beneficial things.

Senin, 04 Mei 2020

Love nature


I like snacks that are made or processed by factories such as chiki food and i often collect the packets and after collecting a lot I burn them in the back of the house I never thought it would greatly effect the earth's atmosphere. 

I reduce the purchase of snacks that are wrapped in plastic packaging because too many snacks are produced by factories and contain a lot plastic, the more air pollution and ozone layer damage because it can pollute the air can make us short of breath and many plants that writer because of the smoke and we cannot breath freely.

Action now:
I felt that I couldn't do without eating snacks when he wanted to study at home even though she had eaten rice which was quite filling. Now if I buy snacks I baring my own place to eat so there is no more plastic waste at home. But if I buy a chiki that is made of plastic and cannot be replaced then I will bury it in the ground or sell it to others so that the packaging can be recycled.

I reduce eating food with plastic packaging because I want to reduce air pollution on this earth which can damage the earth's atmosphere.

Action plan:
If I buy food, the food packaging I will not burn and I will bury in the ground the reduce air pollution due to burning garbage that I do.

  • I will bury the garbage from food packaging. 
  • I try not to burn trush again. 

Sabtu, 28 Maret 2020

Procedure text and explanation text

How to make ginger drink, ginger with lemon grass mixture.

1. Ginger 2 cloves, clean then cut into small pieces.
2. Ginger 1 clove enough, clean and cut into small pieces.
3. 3 lemongrass stems, trim the base and remove the outer skin, slice the white part yes and enough to be tied so that it is small and easy to put in the pan .
4. Give one tablespoon brown sugar and granulated sugar according to taste.
5. 400 ml of water.

1. Prepare tools and ingredients such as pans, spoons, ginger, ginger, lemongrass, brown sugar and granulated sugar.

2. Put all the water and ingredients in the pan.

3. Stir a while ago to speed up the boiling point, close the pan. Wait for the water to boil and until the ingredients taste good.
4. This herb can be served when warm, but also delicious served by adding ice cubes.
Ginger drink, ginger with lemon grass mixture.

Benefits derived from ginger drink, ginger with lemon grass mixture.

General statement. 
Since the outbreak of the corona virus (COVID-19) in Indonesia, sales of spices such as ginger, ginger, lemongrass and the like have increased in traditional markets. However, it is not a barrier for residents to prevent outbreaks of the virus that struck. in this situation, we must try to consume food / drink that makes our body always strong in situations and conditions. This is how to make ginger drink, ginger with lemon grass mixture made. 

Sequenced of explanation. 
The pan is placed on the stove. 400 ml of water, 1 clove of ginger, 2 cloves of ginger, 3 sticks of lemongrass, brown sugar and sugar put in a pan. Then let the water boil over low heat until the spices bloom and smell good. 
Furthermore, the pan is removed and filtered the water from the rest of the spices to be served immediately hot or more delicious. If the spice drink is served cold (add ice cubes before drinking)

Selasa, 17 Maret 2020

Tugas Bahasa Inggris

Personal letter

Purwosari, 11 januari 2020

Dear Arien, 
Hi, i'm dong well here, i'm glad to hear that you van send me another letter. Here at my school also applies SDGS. But my school is more concerned with the environment for the peace and comfort of teaching and learning students. Simple application of carrying out community service activies once a week. Note only that, we also often do replating. We like to do that, because it ib cludes ways to overcome global warming and is an obligation for us students who care about the environment.
it seem like my letter is enough and say hello to your parents, hopefully good news, see you in the next letter.

Kind regards, 

Cause and effect


Many spesies from pollution. There are water pollution, ground pollution, air pollution and so all. From there, have Cause and effects. First, is water pollution, we know that this problem make our self feeling afraid. Because, the water is main source of human life. If there is not wathes then human will have trouble drink, washing clothes, a shower and so forth. Why it can happen? Certainly comes from the human activity like throw waste into the rivers.
Second, is ground pollution. Not much different with wases pollution. Ground pollution also caused by human activity like the use of pestisida excessive force that can be destructive to soil pertillity.
Third is air pollution. Air pollution is caused from the carbon dioxide excessive so that the number of oxygen dumissed because of the trees are there. In addition on the sewage factory also be a major factor.


Forest fires

Forest fire is an event where there is a fire with a high intensity that burns the forest environment either in part or in whole. Forest fires will certainly have a negative impact on the environment, not only the forest itself but also the surrounding environment.
Forest fires are divided into 3 types, including surface fires, canopy fires, and canopy fires. Explanation of each type, so surface fires are fires that occur on the forest floor and the fire is very easy to spread but still relatively easy to extinguish. Furthermore, canopy fires are fires that burn canopy of staple plants, especially flammable trees. Finally is canopy fire, this fire will burn the organic layer under the forest floor, this type of fire occurs in a very long time and the propagation of the fire is very slow.
Forest fires occur because of 2 factors, namely natural factors and human factors. For natural factors usually due to long-term drought which causes sparks, while human factors are usually due to negligence and deliberation such as littering cigarette butts, burning wildly and to open new land.
Forest fires result in the appearance of thick thick smoke containing various harmful gases which are certainly very unhealthy when inhaled by living things. Various diseases can be triggered due to forest fires, including ARI, lung cancer, asthma and other respiratory diseases.
Forest fires are events that often occur in our country, natural factors and our lack of concern trigger these events. For this reason, we should protect our forest environment, remembering that forests are the lungs of the world, which is very obligatory for us to protect.