Jumat, 08 Mei 2020


Crow's omission 

One sunny morning, a dog sniffed with a keen sense of smell throughout the rain with the aim of finding something to eat. Then he saw a crow perched on a tree branch in front of him.

The crow is not the first crow seen by the dog. The dog's main concern and turning his head was the crow holding a little cheese in its beak. "No need to search further." thought the dog. "Here I can get my breakfast." the dog then approaches the tree where the crow is perched. Looking up with a look of awe. Then shouted "good morning beautiful creature" crows while tilting his head to the side. Be suspicious of the dog. While still closing the beak meeting and not returning greetings from the dog.

"What a wonderful creature!" said the dog. "How the feathers shine! What a beautiful and amazing wings! This beautiful bird should have a very sweet voice. Because everything about him is perfect. If he could sing one song, I would adore him from all the birds." Hearing all the words of praise, the crow forgot his suspicions and the cheese he held in his beak. He really wants to be called a queen of all birds. Then he opened his beak wide to let out the loudest chirp. And at that moment the cheese fell from its beak straight into the dog's open mouth. "thank you." said the dog sweetly as he walked away leaving the crow. "Although hoarse, you must have a voice. But where is your brain?"

Anyone who likes to hear false praise is not wise. Because it will not bring beneficial things.

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